201-569-8801 Help@UFCWS.com

MyAccount Member Portal

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Self-Service Price Comparison Tool

For more information about the price comparison tool please click here.
To go directly to the price comparison tool click the link below.

Please refer to www.bcbs.com for information on in-network providers. Below are the instructions:


  1. Hover over “Find a Doctor”
  2. Click “In the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands”
  3. Click on “Choose a Location and Plan”
  4. Enter the area/location you want to search in
  5. Confirm the location is correct
  6. Enter the prefix from your medical ID card (UFD) and click Continue
  7. Click on what type of search you want
  8. Enter info and results should pop up
For West Coast providers with HealthSmart Network:

Important, Please note: Sutter Health/Gould providers are Out-of-network (OON) for HealthSmart and the UFCW National Plan

Provider Search Instructions

To nominate a physician to participate in the HealthSmart provider network, please complete this form:

Nominate a Provider | HealthSmart